How to Set SMART Goals: Making the Goal Attainable (and a Goal-Setting Game)

How to Set SMART Goals: Making the Goal Attainable (and a Goal-Setting Game)
Setting an effective goal means finding the right balance in pushing yourself to grow. Set your goal too high and you might get discouraged. Make it too easy and you may not end up progressing as much as you can. It's great to have big dreams; we just need to divide them into small and simple steps along the path. That's what the "A" in the "SMART" goals pattern is about: creating ATTAINABLE goals.
This game is designed to teach that pattern. To play, each person tries to reach 100 points by sliding a penny onto a target with various point values. To earn a point, the penny has to be completely inside a circle. Sure, you can try to go straight for the "100 points" circle, but you may reach your goal faster by building up your score 15 points at a time in a larger, easier-to-reach circle.
And when you reach 100, you can flip to another paper filled with targets—this time with the goal to reach 1,000 points. And you'll notice that in the second sheet, the area that used to be worth 15 points is now worth 100, because as we strive to reach a hard-to-do skill, it soon becomes easy, and then it's a stepping stool to the next goal along our path—it becomes the "easy" circle as we then try for the next level up.
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