How to Set SMART Goals: Succeeding with Time-Bound Goals

How to Set SMART Goals: Succeeding with Time-Bound Goals

For me, nothing helps me achieve a goal faster than a deadline. Knowing when I need to accomplish something by helps me stay extra focused to make it happen. That’s why the “T” for “time-based” in SMART goals is so important.

To help teach this principle for accomplishing growth through goal setting, try giving your family a fun Minute-to-Win-It–style challenge, such as seeing who can walk 10 feet while balancing an empty paper towel roll on top of a ball on top of a paper towel roll you’re holding. Without a deadline, your family may not get to the challenge right away—or maybe not at all. So after a while, try giving the challenge with a deadline: see if anyone can complete the challenge within 10 minutes. Chances are everyone will be a lot more focused when they have a time-bound aspect to the challenge.

BONUS: I’ve compiled 45 ideas for creating fun Minute-to-Win-It–style games using supplies around home and hardly any prep!

45 ideas for creating fun Minute-to-Win-It–style games using supplies around home and hardly any prep

So when you’re setting your goals, make sure to set a date by which you want to make it happen or by which you’re going to reevaluate your progress and update your goal if needed.

Be sure to check out the rest of our SMART goals game series to make goal setting fun!

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