Make an Edible Mother’s Day Card for a Special Mother’s Day Treat!

Make an edible sugar cookie Mother's Day card

Handwritten letters are so precious, and this one lets your kids practice their baking and decorating skills while providing Mom or Grandma a special treat for Mother’s Day with an edible Mother’s Day card!

Edible Mother's Day card with sugar cookies

Simply make a sugar cookie bar (I used this delicious Amazing Sugar Cookie Bars recipe from I Heart Naptime). Then decorate it as a sweet letter. Have each child write their own, or write a group note. Be sure to take a picture of the note before eating it!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Conversation Starter

How does a handwritten note feel compared with a text or email? Is there someone who’d love an uplifting note from you?

Why This Matters

Sometimes a heartfelt message is more meaningful than any gift we can buy. When was the last time Mom knew all the reasons you love her? Write it in a note!

Make an edible Mother's Day card


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