Phrase Rephrase—Easy, Fun, and Educational Word Game and Party Game

Phrase Rephrase letter card game by Family F.E.D.

Words help us form phrases each day. But this game features a role reversal that’s all about finding how the phrase can form words!

Download a PDF of this activity’s “recipe” to add to your family activity binder.

Instructions for how to play Phrase Rephrase by Family F.E.D.

What You’ll Need

Everything you need for this game comes from the Game Pantry!


How to Play

Letter card game Phrase Rephrase by Family F.E.D.

1. Create a phrase with letter cards.

Letter card game Phrase Rephrase by Family F.E.D.

2. Take turns forming words from the letters.

Long words in the letter card game Phrase Rephrase by Family F.E.D.

3. On each turn, total the points from any cards used (cards without numbers count as one point). Words with six or more letters earn a bonus point.

4. Keep playing each round until someone can’t think of a word or repeats a word.

5. The highest score after four rounds wins.


Letter card game Phrase Rephrase by Family F.E.D.

1. Earn an extra point for using words you know but others need to check in the dictionary (e.g., “dour”).

Letter card game Phrase Rephrase by Family F.E.D.
2. Use a single word instead of a phrase at the beginning of each round.

Letter list for letter card game Phrase Rephrase by Family F.E.D.
3. Fast Play: Have everyone write down as many words as they can from the letters in the phrase.

    Conversation Starter

    Every day we’ll face a variety of situations. No matter what we face, we can choose to see beneficial opportunities in them and re-create the experiences in a way that helps us grow. Just like you can look for new word opportunities in the phrase cards, how can you find and create positive opportunities in the circumstances you’re experiencing?

    Why This Activity Matters

    In addition to playing games simply for fun, it’s good to exercise your mind and make it look for patterns in new ways. This game provides that stretch opportunity, and it’s a fun spelling game for increasing vocabulary as well.

    5-minute games brain exercise creativity educational games educational play Game Pantry play level-up challenges screen-free play The Ultimate Letter Card Game Deck word games

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