Daily Activities — 5-minute games
TwiSTORIES—a getting-to-know-you-game for family and friends!
5-minute games board games easy games family game night family games family history family history in 15 minutes family reunion games favorite games game hacks game night games with a twist getting-to-know-you games Icebreaker games indoor games party games simple games story time fun storytelling games Twister twists on classic games

45 Easy Minute-to-Win-It Games or Simple Party Games
5-minute games bouncy balls Game Pantry play Minute to Win It games paper towel rolls party games toilet paper rolls

Stacking Star Cookie Cutter Challenge—Easy Christmas Party Game (with Minute to Win It Option)
5-minute games chopsticks Christmas Christmas games cookie cutters cookies holiday traditions holidays and parties Minute to Win It games

5 Easy Game Activities with Toilet Paper Rolls and Bouncy Balls (Two-Supply Games!)
5-minute games boredom busters bouncy balls easy games family game night family games Game Pantry play level-up challenges party games toilet paper rolls

7 Easy Games with Dollar Tree Supplies for Family Game Night, Car Games, and Road Trips
5-minute games ball games boredom busters bouncy balls car games cotton balls dice dice games DIY Dollar Tree DIY game dollar store Dollar Tree Dollar Tree DIY Dollar Tree hack dry-erase easy games family game night family night family reunion games family reunion ideas game hacks party games road trip road trip activities road trip games road trips sticky notes

Family game night, road trip ideas, and party games don’t have to break the bank—we’re bringing you seven easy and fun games you can play with Dollar Tree supplies for around two dollars each. From Plinko ideas to dice games to dry-erase paper dolls, and more, these easy games are great for not only kids but also several games are great for teens—easy to be leveled up or simplified for all ages, including adults!