Daily Activities — boredom busters
TP Fling Flyers—Easy and Fun Family Game for All Ages
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If you have chopsticks and empty toilet paper rolls, then you’re on your way to 60 minutes of family fun with just 1–2 minutes of setup for these fling flyers combined with a fun target practice! Enjoy TP fling flyers indoor or outdoors for lots of family fun! Games like this are accessible—and fun!—for all ages, from toddler to adults.
Back-to-Back Ball Challenge—an Easy Boredom Buster with a Bouncy Ball!
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This type of boredom buster is my favorite because you can find ways to “level up” the challenge in creative ways. And all you need is a bouncy ball!
Place a bouncy ball in the palm of your right hand. Toss it into the air and bounce it off the palm of your left hand. Bounce it back toward the right hand but have it bounce on the back side of the hand, then bounce it off the back of the left hand—all in one continuous bouncing motion. See how many times in a row you can bounce it back and forth between the palms and backs of your hands.
Ritz Flip—Boredom Buster and Easy Game for Families (Play with Your Food!)
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Cups by the Yard! An Easy Boredom Buster Using Plastic Cups!
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Grab a yardstick and some plastic cups, then get ready for a challenge! How many cups can you balance? How fast can you do it?
Color Shout—Fun Party Game or Family Game Using Uno Cards or Letter Cards
boredom busters card games color games easy games Game Pantry play party games quick games Rook The Ultimate Letter Card Game Deck Uno
Create an easy family game or party game using Uno or Rook cards or the Ultimate Letter Card Game Deck! Simply choose a color from the deck, and as soon as the color is flipped over, the person who flipped it over calls out a topic and the other players race to shout items in that topic to win the cards!