Daily Activities — Fourth of July
3 Easy DIY Dollar Tree Flag Crafts for the Fourth of July
arts and crafts dollar store Dollar Tree Dollar Tree DIY Fourth of July Fourth of July crafts holidays and parties

Red, White, and Blue—Times Two! An Easy Printable Fourth of July Party Game for Kids, Teens, and Adults
5-minute games boredom busters downloadable game downloadable games flag Flag Day Fourth of July Fourth of July games printables

5 Reasons I Love America—Fourth of July Journaling Page Ideas
family history family history in 15 minutes flag Fourth of July

Rolling Flag Marbles DIY Game—Easy Fourth of July Party Game (Dollar Tree DIY)
Dollar Tree Dollar Tree DIY flag Fourth of July Fourth of July games Grill tray holidays and parties marbles paint rolling games

Create a festive Fourth of July party game for kids, teens, or families using a grill tray from the Dollar Tree and red, white, and blue marbles. Keep it simple for kids with just 1–3 marbles in the tray, or make it extra advanced for older players using all 30 marbles! Here's how to play!
Burger Flip—Easy and Fun Party Game for Barbecues, Summer Parties, and Family Game Nights
barbecue activities BBQ BBQ games easy games flipping games food food fight Fourth of July Fourth of July games fun with food hamburger holidays and parties screen free screen-free play spatula summer parties summer play

Burger Flip is the perfect easy family game for barbecues, summer parties, and holidays. Families, children, and teens will all enjoy this printable game that has you flipping your burger to perfection. Simply print out the PDF, cut out your burger pieces, and grab a spatula, then you’re ready to play!