Daily Activities — tic-tac-snow
Tic-Tac-Snow—an Easy Winter Game for Outdoor Snow Play
5-minute games easy games screen free screen-free play snow activities snow games tic-tac-snow tic-tac-toe twists on classic games winter games

Looking for a simple outdoor activity for kids or teens in the snow? Try Tic-Tac-Snow! It involves everyone of all ages. Bonus: when temperatures are nearly unbearable, you can still finish a fun outdoor activity without needing to stay outside for as long as it takes to build a snowman! Download a PDF of this activity’s “recipe” to add to your family activity binder. What You’ll Need • Spray bottles (2)• Washable food coloring• Snow How to Play 1. Fill two water bottles with water. Keep a pitcher nearby to refill them. 2. Add drops of food coloring to each water bottle....