The Best Easy Birthday Party Games for All Ages, Boys and Girls!

Looking for birthday party ideas that are easy to prep, inexpensive, and fun for all ages? Check out these six ideas!

Looking for birthday party ideas that are easy to prep, inexpensive, and fun for all ages? Check out these six ideas!

Birthday Party Idea #1: Birthday Cake Candle Races

Turn pool noodles into candles by cutting them in half, wrapping masking tape around them, and adding a tissue-paper flame. Then trace them into a plastic kiddie pool and cut out holes in it to create an outdoor larger-than-life birthday cake! Then spread the candles throughout the yard and have children race to see who can put them into the cake the fastest!

Birthday Party Idea #2: Birthday Candle Frisbee Golf

Use those same pool noodles but place them on paper-towel holders from the Dollar Tree to create Frisbee golf "holes." Then have the children throw Frisbees to hit the candle's flame. We love using these folding Frisbees (about 40 or 50 cents each) as party favors the guests can take home after the party! 

Birthday Party Idea #3: Birthday Candle Combos

Take pictures of candles in various configurations. Then give everyone a set of candles (I like to use two of each color per person) placed in a muffin cup. Show them a picture of one candle combo at a time, and have the children race to put them in the correct order.

P.S. I like these silicone muffin cup liners (which we also use in our Birthday Party Escape Room).


Birthday Party Idea #4: "Cone" You Bounce It In?

Place a bowl of Ping-Pong balls on the table, and give everyone a plate with an ice cream cone on it (I like to secure the cone with frosting). Then have everyone try to bounce a Ping-Pong ball "ice cream scoop" into the cone! Try different tricks, like bouncing the ball twice before going in, or dropping it from a higher height! We love these Ping-Pong balls for the color (and it's always nice to have lots of Ping-Pong balls on hand for games like this!)


Birthday Party Idea #5: "Happy Birthday" Word Scramble

Have everyone sit in a circle in front of a "Happy Birthday" banner. Then they take turns trying to create different words from the "Happy Birthday" letters, like "hat," "bay," "day." If anyone can't think of a word in 7 seconds or if they repeat a word, they are out of the circle, and the last person in the circle wins!


Birthday Party Idea #6: 

Place several fun toys or treats inside of a balloon. Pass them around a circle so everyone can see them for 5 seconds. Then have everyone write down as many items as they can remember. The person with the most items written down gets to pop the balloon and keep what's inside. Tip: Orange balloons work best, with white and yellow close behind.

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birthday ideas DIY Dollar Tree dollar store Dollar Tree Dollar Tree DIY Dollar Tree hack holidays and parties

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