Daily Activities
2-Stick Ball Run—an Easy 5-Minute Game and Boredom Buster for Screen-Free Family Time
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Tic-Tac-Snow—an Easy Winter Game for Outdoor Snow Play
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Looking for a simple outdoor activity for kids or teens in the snow? Try Tic-Tac-Snow! It involves everyone of all ages. Bonus: when temperatures are nearly unbearable, you can still finish a fun outdoor activity without needing to stay outside for as long as it takes to build a snowman! Download a PDF of this activity’s “recipe” to add to your family activity binder. What You’ll Need • Spray bottles (2)• Washable food coloring• Snow How to Play 1. Fill two water bottles with water. Keep a pitcher nearby to refill them. 2. Add drops of food coloring to each water bottle....
A Snow White Movie Night: 5 Easy Disney Party Ideas
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Top Tips for Creating QUALITY Family Time

We’re all about creating real family connections through fun, and we know you are, too! So we know quality family time isn’t just about doing more with one another; it’s about fostering connections through little things that can bring huge results. These simple tips can help create those connections. 1. Join in. Play. Be silly! Yes, the dishes are calling and there’s a million things you could be doing while watching your kids play a game at the table—you’re still in the room with them, right? But your readiness to jump in is what your kids will remember most. So play on. Be goofy. Do...
The Perfect Solution for Family Game Night Success—a Family Activity Binder
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