Take a “Family Favorites” Photo—Capturing Your Family’s Story 15 Minutes at a Time

With cell phones and social media, we have more photos than ever before to capture our family’s stories. But how often do you get your kids’ input in the written description of your family story? If you’re thinking, “There’s no way my kids will want to journal for a family activity,” here’s a simple solution—take a “family favorites” photo!

Have everyone wear a shirt in their favorite color and hold 1–3 items that represent their favorite things right now. Set the self-timer, and voila! You’ve got a picture that tells an instant story! (I also realized I have only one shirt in my favorite color!)

My Favorites in 2020 journaling prompt

If you can convince your kids to write some things down, here’s a “My Favorites in 2020” free printable that they can use to add a few more details about their favorites that aren’t shown in the photo. And maybe they won’t mind doing it if they know that you’ll know what their favorite treat is. ;)

P.S. I’d love to see your “family favorite” photos! Post them on Instagram, tag us with @familyfed, and use #famfavesphoto

family history in 15 minutes family stories favorites

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