How to Set SMART Goals: Getting Specific (and a Goal-Setting Game)

How to Set SMART Goals: Getting Specific (and a Goal-Setting Game)

Teaching your family how to create SMART goals (and getting better at reaching your goals yourself!) just found a new, fun twist!

I’m a big believer in always working on a plan for personal development. And I’m grateful for resources that help make it easier! One of those resources is the SMART goal approach: setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. This week, I’ll be sharing five different games to teach each part of SMART goals (and afterward I’ll also be talking about my favorite overall plan for approaching goals in a broader structure for personal development).

Today is all about making goals specific—taking really broad desires like “be healthy” and making them more specific, like “eat three vegetables daily” or “be in bed by 10:00 p.m.”

In our new FREE game “In the Order,” players will learn the principle of breaking big concepts into more specific, concrete ideas. The game features a set of printable cards that each have three words, starting with a broad topic and narrowing down to a specific item. Players split into teams and take turns trying to get their teammates to guess all three words on the card in the order from top to bottom. For example, on the card with “Pet, Dog, Dalmatian,” the person holding the cards would need to describe “pet” in a way that players don’t guess “dog” first. If teammates can guess all three words in the order, then they get a point! If they guess a word near the bottom of the card before guessing the word(s) above it, then they can’t earn a point for that card. Teams have 60 seconds each round to complete as many cards as they can!



Note: If you have young kids, you may want to take a quick peek at the cards and remove any that might not be as easy for younger players.

After you finish the game, it’s easy to lead into a quick conversation about what your family members want to achieve this year and then help them use the principles from this game to break down any goals that are too broad to be achievable readily (such as “be healthy” or “be patient”) into more specific goals.

Keep checking back this week for more ideas to continue making your goals SMART through play!

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