Daily Activities — family conversations
How to Set SMART Goals: Creating Relevant Goals (and a Goal-Setting Game)
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Homemade Playdough—and What It Can Teach Us about Growth, Perspective, and Adding Color to the World
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The Surprisingly Powerful Benefits of Creating a Family Mascot
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If a Grizzly Came a Comin’ Printable Game to Spark Creativity and Laughter at Camps, Parties, and Family Game Night
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This easy and hilarious finish-the-sentence game is perfect for parties, family nights, road trips, and campouts to get the creativity and laughter flowing. Simply take turns having one person read a card and letting the other players come up with creative ways to finish the sentence to safely escape if a grizzly came a comin’!
Emoji Emotions Game—a Fun and Easy Way to Talk about Your Feelings
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