Daily Activities — basketball
Safe and Cheap Car/Indoor Basketball Hoop for a Dollar Tree DIY Game
basketball car games DIY Dollar Tree Dollar store Dollar Tree Dollar Tree DIY indoor games road trip soap dish

Frisbee Basketball—a Perfect Summer Game for an Easy Family Activity
basketball crazy sports easy games Frisbee games with a twist outdoor outdoor activities outdoor games screen-free play sports sports games summer play

Elbow Basketball—a Fun and Easy Indoor Game for Kids
ball games basketball bouncy balls easy games Minute to Win It games party games Ping-Pong balls problem-solving

This unique twist on basketball is sure to bring fun! Use embroidery hoops, diving rings, or even paper plates with the center cut out for the “basket” and set it flat on the table. Then grab one ball per person and have everyone try to pick up the ball between their elbows and shoot to get it to stay inside the hoop!