Daily Activities — growth
Give Your KIDS a Thank-you Shout-out during the Coronavirus
Coronavirus growth plants praise recognition seeds shout-outs thank-you notes

Kids have been experiencing lots of ups and downs, too, and a special note of appreciation and recognition may be just what they need this week! Try this idea to make it extra meaningful! Use a growth-theme to acknowledge all the growth you’ve seen in them, and give them seeds or plants that they can watch grow as a reminder of the growth they’ve experienced during these unique times.
How Many Squares? A Simple Art Game That Helps You Talk with Your Kids about Goals and Growth
art games arts and crafts drawing games easy games free downloads goals graph paper growth party games quick games Strive to Be talk with children about talk with teens about

This name-that-tune style art game uses graph paper to see who can draw an object using the least amount of squares. It also provides a great parallel to setting and achieving goals, and it can help you talk about growth and goal-setting with your family!