Describe Yourself in One Memory: Family History in 15 Minutes

Easy prompts for family history: Describe yourself in one memory

Today’s “Family History in 15 Minutes” challenge is to describe yourself in one memory. At first, that sounds SO hard. But if you think about it, there’s probably a time or two when you felt truly free to be yourself without worrying at all what others thought. Or maybe in a moment you felt completely at home. Those are pretty good clues to lead you to a memory that captures AN essence (not necessarily the only essence) of you. And if narrowing down to one memory is too hard, no worries! Record a few memories that describe who you are!

Just like that, you’ve recorded another page for your family’s story. You can download these free printable journaling sheets with options for jotting down memories of the whole family on one sheet or using a separate sheet for each person.

Easy prompts for family history: Describe yourself in one memory

Click here to download your free journaling sheets.


Find more easy “family history in 15 minutes” journaling sheets or activity ideas to spark more ways to capture your family’s story!

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family history family history in 15 minutes memories

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