Photograph Nature and Pair It with a Calming Quote—a Sunday Service Idea for Earth Week

Create nature memes for a simple service activity

Feel like you could use more sunshine, some relaxation, and a little more reflection? Combine them all into this simple service idea to enjoy as we approach Earth Day. Take a walk, photograph nature, and use it to create a picture quote with a favorite saying. You could:

• Post it in your home to help everyone calm down during moments of chaos.

• Send it to a friend who would appreciate knowing that someone’s thinking of her.

• Post it on social media to spread joy.

• Write in your journal about why the quote is a favorite.

You could even ask your family members about their favorite quotes and record them as part of your family’s history!


Conversation Starter

How do you feel when you’re in nature? What are your favorite things to do outdoors, and why? How does being outdoors help you feel calm? How does being outdoors help you connect with the Creator?

Look, up at the sky. There is a light, a beauty up there, that no shadow can touch. —J.R.R. Tolkien

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. —John Muir

Keep looking up. That’s the secret of life. —Snoopy


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earth day family history nature photography service ideas simple service Sunday service

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