Daily Activities — talk with teens about
Feeding Ducks—and Talking with Your Kids and Teens about Balance with This Easy Outdoor Family Activity
animals balance growth nature outdoor outdoor activities screen free screen-free play talk with children about talk with teens about

Domino Reactions—Talking with Your Kids about How Their Choices Affect Others
choices dominoes easy games family night simple joys talk with children about talk with teens about

Cairn Building—an Activity to Talk with Your Family about Balance and Slowing Down
arts and crafts balance cairns focus nature paint priorities rocks talk with children about talk with teens about

This activity helps your family focus on slowing down and finding the right balance in their lives. The activity is simple: gather some rocks from your yard and use them to create a cairn (often used as a landmark in hiking to help you and others know you’re on the right path). For added meaning, paint the rocks in a way that symbolically represents the landmark changes happening in your life right now.
Backward Ball Drop—Fun Game for Talking about Teamwork
chopsticks motor skills games Ping-Pong balls talk with children about talk with teens about team games teamwork

This team game will have you laughing while helping refine your communication skills (and your motor skills, too)! Whether you’re building teamwork skills at work or looking for ways to talk with your kids about teamwork, you’ll love this game! Team up in pairs and have player 1 face away from a bowl filled with Ping-Pong balls. Player 1 uses chopsticks to move the balls from one bowl to another while player 2 tries to guide him by telling him how to move his hands!
How Many Squares? A Simple Art Game That Helps You Talk with Your Kids about Goals and Growth
art games arts and crafts drawing games easy games free downloads goals graph paper growth party games quick games Strive to Be talk with children about talk with teens about

This name-that-tune style art game uses graph paper to see who can draw an object using the least amount of squares. It also provides a great parallel to setting and achieving goals, and it can help you talk about growth and goal-setting with your family!